Buy ASTGL9665 - Bodyguards SafeDon Glove Dispenser Holder online from us for just £15.00 (£18.00 inc VAT), contact us for bulk and wholesale orders.
Bodyguards SafeDon Glove Dispenser Holder
Single and Triple Glove Box Dispenser Holders
Key Features:-
The Bodyguards SafeDon glove dispenser is securely contained within a dispensing unit that has been manufactured to include an anti-microbial protective additive which helps to prevent the build-up and growth of organisms on the glove dispenser.
The dispensers are made from ABS and come complete with wall fixings (screws and plugs plus the option of removable adhesive strips).
Available in either a white, black or green single dispenser or a white triple dispenser.
Sigle dispenser dimensions: 93mm (h) x 127mm (w) x 140mm (d)
Triple dispenser dimensions: 93mm (h) x 374mm (w) x 140mm (d)