Buy BG60 - BenchGuard Absorbent Surface Protector Wallet online from us for just £109.00 (£130.80 inc VAT), contact us for bulk and wholesale orders.
BenchGuard Absorbent Surface Protector Wallet
The Original Absorbent Surface Protector
Highly Absorbent Papers comprising a compostable absorbent layer and a bio polymer water resistant film
Absorbance Range / 400mL/m2
Colour / White
Length / 50m
Width / 490mm
Packaging / 100 Sheets
Quanity per pack / 1 Box
Features & Benefits
A highly absorbent cellulose fabric layer and a tough poly-coated film base to contain spills and protect work surfaces.
Resistant to most chemicals and offers optimal barrier surface protection.
Choose BenchGuard™ Extra (E) for twice the absorbency in your most demanding applications.
Available in a convenient tear-off roll dispenser or in a wallet box of pre-cut sheets.
No minimum order, quantity discount applies.
Tear resistant.
Suitable for incineration.